Thursday, July 23, 2009

Give Yourself a Gift

Getting daily exercise is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. You only have this one body and it is up to you to keep it strong and functional for life. Don't let anything interfere with the little bit of time you take each day to keep your body healthy. Make a commitment to care for yourself and to view exercise as a gift you can give to yourself each day and not as just another chore. Find activities that are enjoyable to you and reward yourself from time to time with a new pair of sneakers, or some new music for your ipod. Afterall, isn't your health the most important thing there is?
Do it for YOU...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Making Healthy Food Fun...

A lot of people have trouble changing their diet because they feel that it takes the "fun" out of food. Well, eating healthfully does not have to mean being bored. You can make food fun and interesting and still keep things healthy. Here are 5 ways to liven up diet without throwing it away:
  1. Try new spices. Spices like cinnamon, curry, and different chili peppers will bring new layers of flavor to your healthy dishes.
  2. Learn how to cook new things. Take a course or get some new cookbooks and experiment with new flavors and styles of cooking.
  3. Eat with friends and family. Keep the focus on enjoying eachothers company.
  4. Revamp fun foods. Bake your Fries, use non-fat ice cream and skim milk in your shake, and change that beef burger into a lean meat turkey burger.
  5. Vary your diet. Make sure you always have lots of different colors and textures on your plate. Crunchy carrots, mashed cauliflower, and a savory piece of salmon over a bed of delicate greens will wow your tastebuds and your senses.
Put some thought into what you eat and you will see how enjoyable eating right really is. Afterall, eating right will make you not only feel good but look good as well, and that is fun!
Live Well!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Live Well Company Approved...

Do you receive free daily emails from Vital Juice? It is an awesome way to hear about the newest trends in health and fitness. Go to this link and sign up today:
Live Well!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th of July BBQ

Worried you will not be able to stick to your healthy eating plan during summertime BBQs? Don't are 5 BBQ food staples that you can eat without straying from your plan even ever so slightly:
  1. Grilled Chicken
  2. Grilled Fish
  3. Corn on the Cob (no butter)
  4. Fresh Grilled Veggies
  5. Watermelon
Stay away from mayonnaise-y salads, alcohol, and ice cream as often as you can and all your BBQ time will not equate to an overweight September! Happy 4th of July...Live Well!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Q and A

On days when you don't feel hungry should you force yourself to

Each day your body needs calories in order to do it's jobs properly. If you are not ill with a stomach virus, you should certainly make an effort to eat throughout the day. On the days you are not feeling particularly hungry, make an effort to eat light, healthy, clean meals loaded with veggies and lean proteins. Have fruit and some nuts as your snacks. This will help to keep your metabolism running as well as help you to avoid overeating the following day.
It is best to get and keep your body on a regular eating schedule. Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day and cycles of over/under eating mess with your metabolism and blood sugar levels making it harder for you to keep to any kind of balanced and healthful eating plan.
Try eating small balanced meals that are a combination of complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats every 3-4 hours. Put thought into your meals and plan ahead so that you can make good decisions about what you put into your body. Eat Well...Live Well!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

On The Go

Sometimes your day is super hectic and you are constantly on the move...but just because you do not have time to sit down and eat a proper meal does not mean that you should throw your diet plan just means that you need to be prepared. Being prepared means everything to your healthy eating is when you are caught off guard that you will make you those less than perfect decisions about what you eat.
Here are 5 go to items to take with you or grab on the go so that you are able to stay on track:
  1. Larabars (200 cals, just fruit and nuts, sweet and yummy)
  2. Mini whole wheat pita with 1 tbsp of peanut butter and 1/2 banana (wrap up in a piece of tinfoil and be on your way)
  3. Bag of Soy Chips (140 calories in an individual size bag of Glenny's and a perfect snack packed with protein and the heart healthy benefits of soy)
  4. 12oz Skim Milk Latte and an Apple (Starbucks is everywhere...just carry the apple along in your bag)
  5. 20-25 Almonds (nutritious, delicious, and a great snack)
Be Prepared...Live Well!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cutting Carbs

When following most diet plans you will notice that carbs are often the first thing eliminated. It is not that carbs are "bad" for you but rather that they are easily identifiable, often over eaten, and usually calorie dense. If I were to write you a diet, it would be easier for you to eat 1 less slice of bread at lunch rather than say reduce your turkey intake by 1-2 ounces. In the end, it comes down to reducing your portion size thus reducing your overall caloric intake.
Carbs are extremely important to your health...they provide essential nutrients, fiber, and energy for your body and brain. It is important to include carbs in a healthy, balanced diet. Just pay attention to the portion sizes, types of carbs, and your daily energy output.
Here are some basic rules of thumb for incorporating carbs while dieting:
  • Eat starchy carbs like cereals and breads as part of your breakfast, mid-morning snack, or lunch. For example: Oatmeal for breakfast, 1 slice of whole wheat toast with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter for a snack, or 1 cup of cooked pasta with chicken and veggies added to it for lunch.
  • After lunch, choose fruits and non-starchy veggies (like spinach, broccoli, carrots) as your source of carbohydrates. As the day winds down you will have less energy output and will not need as many calories as earlier on in the day.
Remember, if you are doing endurance sports or high intensity exercise, you may feel low in energy if you are not getting adequate amounts of carbohydrates. If this is the case you may want to add a small portion of starchy carbs (i.e. a 1/2 cup of brown rice) to your afternoon snack or your dinner. However, if you have a sedentary lifestyle you will most likely feel fine eliminating the starchy carbs from your late day meals...although, you may not like it....afterall, they do refer to carbs as comfort food for a reason. Trust me, it is worth the discipline, you will be more comforted by the fact that you have a healthier body than you will ever be from momentarey mashed potatoes! Eat Smart...Live Well!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Knee Pain

We have been walking around on our legs our whole lives, so it is not unusual that many of us experience some kind of knee pain. Of course, if your knee pain is severe, chronic, and/or limits you in your daily living you should check in with your doctor, but if your knee pain is more a matter of you feeling stiff and achy, there are some very simple things you can do at home to help alleviate your discomfort.
First, stretch daily. Stretch your legs after you have been moving around for a while in the morning, after exercise, and again at the end of your day before you go to sleep. (check out this site for stretching examples:
Second, ice your knees for 10-20 minutes each day (especially after exercise) to decrease any inflammation you may have.
Third, strengthen the muscles in your legs, especially those around your knees. Don't neglect your inner and outer thighs! (check out this site for some great exercise you can do at home: ttp://
Finally, try not to stay in the same position for very long. If you are seated, stand up every 10-20 minutes; if you are standing in line, shift your weight from side to side and do not keep your knees in a locked position.
Be Pain Free...Live Well!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We all want remedies....whether it be something for back pain, a headache, or even a stomach ache. However, a lot of the time popping a pill is not the answer...but lying back, taking some deep breaths, and focusing on something pleasant or positive is. You will be surprised by how much you can reduce those aches and pains over time if each day you spend just a few minutes relaxing both your brain and your body. Try taking a bath and listening to some soft music, or if you are short for time, take a 5 minute breather...just sit down, close your eyes, and focus on breathing deeply and slowly and clearing your will feel like a new person after those 5 me!
Relax....Live Well!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

BLOG will return June 9th, 2009...Live Well!!!

The Live Well BLOG will return on June 9th. Please check back then!
Make smart choices, care for your body, move into action.....Live Well!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting There

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
~Anthony Robbins

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Simple Ways to Lighten Your Load

Want to lose a few pounds without completely overhauling your diet??? By making some simple changes to your regular diet you will be able to watch your body change as well.
Try these changes to start...

Switch from:
Half&Half or Whole Milk to 1% or Skim
Mayo To Mustard
2 slices of bread on a sandwich to 1 slice of bread
Cream Based soups to Chicken Broth or Vegetable broth based soups
A Brownie to a 100 calorie pack of Oreos
Regular Soda to Diet Cola or Seltzer
Regular Beer to Light Beer
A Bagel to An English Muffin
Whole Eggs to Egg Whites

Paying attention to what you take in and making small changes each day can help you to make big changes in your body and your health. Live Well!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fight the Lazy!!!

It is sheer laziness that holds you back from taking the stairs, walking home from work, or taking the time to cook yourself a healthy, well balanced meal.
Why let laziness win?
If you want that healthy body, do what it takes to get it. Effort goes a long way. We were made to move. Our bodies need healthy, nutritious food. All you have to do is what nature intended you to do....and trust me, nature did not intend for us to laze around in chairs, couches, and cars all day!
Fight the Lazy...Live Well!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Make Sure to Wear Confidence with Your Bathing Suit!

As a personal trainer, I see different types of bodies everyday. Trust me when I tell you that the bodies that look best are the bodies that strut their stuff and hold their heads up high. It does not matter if you are a size 2 or a size 20, if you are confident in your body, in it's strengths and abilities, and you stand proud, you will look better than everyone else around. So make sure to look yourself in the eye and tell yourself how amazing you are before you head out in that bathing suit! Be Proud...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Can You Do???

Do you want to live better? If so, it does not take a complete overhaul of your current can get there little by little. Take steps each day toward the type of life you want to live. What can you do today that can help you to be healthier, more relaxed, better rested? Can you get a walk in this evening after dinner? Can you choose to have a piece of grilled fish instead of a burger? Do you have 10 minutes to have a nice conversation with a friend? Can you get into bed 15 minutes earlier than usual? There is something you can do today that can help you get on the road to a healthier just need to squeeze it in! Start Now...Live Well!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Feeling Sleepy????

Check out the link pasted below to learn about the importance of getting the sleep your body needs. Try taking the "sheep dash" test to see just how sluggish you really are. Sleep Tight...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cutting the Fat

Our dietary fat intake is not the only fat we need to reduce in order to live more healthfully...we also need to actively reduce the fat that surrounds us in our daily living....the extra noise, stress, and negativity that we tend to be surrounded by on a near constant basis. Living well is not only about eating right and moving our bodies, it is about feeling good and appreciating the life you are living. We all know that life is short yet we spend alot of our time feeling unsatisfied with ourselves, our bodies, our status. Although wanting to change is an important motivator that keeps us moving forward, it is important to recognize your strengths, abilities, and blessings at every stage of the game..not only when you think that you have finally "arrived." Remind yourself to breathe deeply, smile, say kind words to those around you as well as to happy for all that you can do and all that you have done. Sometimes it really is about stopping to smell the roses. Live Well!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going Back To Rehab

Sometimes eating right, exercising, and sleeping well are not the only things you should be doing for your body. Being proactive about stretching your body and resting muscles that need time to heal is just as important. The better you care for your body the harder it will work for you. You need to feel great in order to look great. So the next time you get your run in but skip your stretch remember that without the proper care your legs will eventually not be able to handle the run. Your body (the only one you have got) is worth the extra 10 minutes that it may take in order to stretch or ice achy joints.
Treat yourself well....Live Well!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pop Quiz

How much do you know about the basics of nutrition? Click on this link below and take this short nutrition quiz. You just may learn something new! Live Well!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Q: Can I eat pizza when I am watching my weight?

A: Pizza, like most other foods, is fine in moderation. With a little thought, pizza can fit seamlessly into your diet.
  • First, have only 1 slice of regular New York style pizza or 2 slices of very thin-crusted pizza (preferably for lunch rather than dinner or a late night snack, so that you still have time in your day to use those calories.)
  • Second, skip extra cheese and meat add-ons ... instead load on the veggies and tomato sauce.
  • Third, remember that eating well is a lifestyle choice and finding a way to fit your favorite foods into that lifestyle will help you to be successful in reaching your goals.
Enjoy A Healthy Life...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Did You Know That....

poor diet, lack of physical activity, and being overweight all increase your risk for having cancer...

  • Eating a high fat diet increases your risk of cancers of the colon, uterus, and prostate.
  • Not participating in physical activity and being overweight increase the risk for cancers of the breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, and uterus.
To learn more about the risk factors for cancer and what you can do to reduce your risk, check out:

Live Well!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Go for a walk....

Studies show that walking briskly for an hour each day reduces your risk for developing Diabetes by 34%. Walking also boosts your immune system, reduces stress, keeps your cardiovascular and circulatory systems healthy, and helps you to achieve a healthy weight. So don't just sit there...get out and get walking!!! Live Well!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Something Fishy

Eating fish is an extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle. Fish contain natural anti-inflammatorys and essential fatty acids that help your body systems to thrive. However, it is important to know which fish have the least amount of mercury and PCBs in them, so that you can get all the benefits that fish have to offer and not the harmful side effects of a troubled eco-system. Check out this link for a comprehensive list on which fish to eat. Live Well!!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chew Your Food!

Turn's out Mom was right (as usual)...Studies show that the more times you chew your food the more satiated you will feel...thus, you will feel fuller on less food. So take the time to sit down and chew your food rather than rushing right through your meal...the few minutes you spend actually enjoying your meal just might lead to you enjoying a smaller waistline. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

3,500 calories

It takes a loss of 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. That means a calorie deficit of 500 calories each day for 7 days will result in a 1 pound weight loss for the week. Think about that the next time you go for that extra slice of bread or glass of soda. If you want to lose weight, find a way to trim extra calories out of your day and add exercise in to help burn some calories as well. Taking 1 slice of bread off of your sandwich and walking briskly for 30 minutes can help you rid of about 200-250 calories....Little things like that add up to big results! Live Well!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Check out this link that lists cancer fighting foods and spices so you can be armed and ready to fight! Live Well!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wash Your Hands!

Eating right and exercising are great for your health but they are not the only things you can do to assure that you stay healthy....washing your hands frequently throughout the day can help you ward off nasty germs and infections that can leave you down for the count! So check out this link and learn all about washing your hands properly and the reasons why you should make it a priority. Live Well!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

No Worries

Wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weights you down.
~Toni Morrison

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Each and everyday there will be something that challenges you. An obstacle in your path. Don't allow that challenge or obstacle to get in your way, find a way around it or take a different path. Do what you set out to do...just be flexible about how you will get it done. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Liquid Calories

People tend to forget that many beverages are loaded with calories and sugar. It is easy to think of a drink as just something you have alongside your meal, especially since we do not tend to register liquid calories as satiating in our brains. The problem here is your beverage of choice may be adding hundreds of calories to your day and lots of inches to your waist while not even filling you up. To avoid this, choose to drink water and other calorie-free/unsweetened drinks throughout the day. You can reduce your caloric intake by 100s of calories by just getting rid of juices and sodas!
Live Well!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Great Biceps=Lower Blood Pressure?

Worried about your blood pressure? Check out this article in the NY Times which details how regular strength training can help you keep your blood pressure in check. Live Well!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Head and Shoulders

Remember, if you are sitting at your desk reading this you are probably hunched over your keyboard and crumpled in your chair. Pinch those shoulder blades back, open your chest, lift your chin, and place your very heavy head back above your spine where it belongs. You will feel much better at the end of the day if you remember to do this throughout it. Sit up nice and tall! Live Well!!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Commit to your Goals

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is Cholesterol?

Do you know what your Cholesterol level is? If so, do you know what it means? Check out this site to learn all about Cholesterol and what you can do to keep yours at bay. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

You may be surrounded by family members and friends that adore you, but if you do not take time to love yourself, all of their love is not worth squat. You must remember that you are important to everyone around you. If you do not take take the time to care for yourself, then you are just throwing all that love in their faces. You may think that you do not have the time or energy to exercise, or plan healthy meals for yourself....but if you do not make the time, you will shortly run out of it. Make the time or you will not be well enough to care for those you love.
Love You...Live Well!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ups and Downs

Need to ramp up your workouts???? Try interval training. It will not only challenge you physically, it will also refresh your routine. You can do intervals with anything you are doing...for example, if you are lifting weights, you may want to add in 1 minute intervals of jump rope in between sets. If you usually go walking for exercise, try walking at a brisk pace for 3 minutes then jogging for 30 seconds and then returning to your brisk pace for another 3 minutes, and so on. Your body will benefit tremendously from the valleys and peaks in your heart rate as well as the change to your fitness regimen. Challenge Yourself...Live Well!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back on Track

The holiday meals have come and gone.... so today is the day to get yourself back on track with your health plan. Ditch the holiday leftovers and get back into the gym!Don't procrastinate because the next holiday coming up is memorial day weekend and you will want to look great at whatever beach or bar-b-que you will be at! Live Well!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Give It Your All

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
Vince Lombardi

Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 ways to stick to your eating plan when dining out

Sticking to your plan when dining out may seem impossible, but it's not....Stick with these guidelines and have a great time out without the guilt!
  1. Skip the bread basket.
  2. Start your meal with a salad (dressed with lemon or vinegar), a vegetable based soup (without cream), or a shrimp cocktail (use just a spoonful of cocktail sauce).
  3. Choose a lean protein based meal, such as grilled fish or chicken breast, and make sure it is not in a sauce, or fried.
  4. Instead of starchy sides (i.e. mashed potatoes) ask for a double order of veggies (lightly sauteed or steamed).
  5. If you are going to drink alcohol, have your waiter bring your drink during your meal and drink it slowly as you eat. Try to have just the one drink and you will save yourself from extra calories and extra money on the tab!
Don't feel embarrassed to ask that things be prepared the way you want...the restaurant staff is probably very happy to have your business and will be happy to accommodate you. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fit in Fitness

"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness."
~ Earl of Derby

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holiday Survival Guide

Enjoying the holidays does not have to mean weight gain. Treat the holidays as what they are, a time to celebrate, spend time with family and friends (and no, you can not self-medicate with alcohol), and pass along tradition. You do not have to overeat because it is a special time (or because you are stuck at a table full of food for 8 hours). You can make the choice to skip the extras, watch your portion sizes, and get in some exercise (perfect excuse to escape the chaos). In addition, only celebrate the holiday on the actual date of the holiday. There is no need to indulge on the days leading up to or following it. Pack up leftovers and give them away.
Instead of dwelling on the food that is part of your celebration, reflect on the meaning of your holiday and the traditions you are part of. The most important thing you can remember is that taking good care of yourself now will allow you to spend many more holidays with those you love in the future. Happy Holidays...Live Well!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Q & A

Why is alcohol the first thing I tell people to give up when they are trying to lose weight?

Alcohol is a toxin to the body and disrupts your entire system. Alcohol contains non-nutritive calories. If you are following a low calorie diet in order to lose weight, it is very hard to meet all your nutrient needs. In order to meet those needs, you need to eat healthy well balanced foods and not waste calories on things such as alcohol and sweets. If you enjoy alcohol and want to make room for it in your lifestyle and still lose weight, you must pay attention to the serving sizes of your alcoholic beverages (refer to Blog dated: 2/13 ) and your total energy out-put for the day vs. your energy (calorie) intake for the day. Keep in mind that alcohol also lowers your inhibitions, which may lead to you drinking more alcohol than you have budgeted for your daily caloric intake, thus leading your body to have an excess of calories that will be stored as fat.
If you are a person that drinks a glass or two of wine each day, getting rid of alcohol could lead to reduction of anywhere from 700-1400 calories for the week...putting you well on your way to the weight loss you desire. Think about it. Live Well!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

7 Weeks!

There are 7 weeks left until Memorial Day Weekend. Are you ready to wear a bathing suit? If not, it's not too late!! You have time to get your body summer-ready if you start today! So this weekend make some commitments. Stick with these basic rules and you should be well on your way to a summer of feeling and looking fantastic.
  • Get rid of the extras: alcohol, sweets, fatty sauces, etc.
  • Add in an hour of activity everyday that you can.
  • Skip starch based meals at night, go for lean protein and loads of veggies instead.
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps you to stay bloat free.
  • Sleep. Studies show that people who get adequate amounts of sleep are less likely to overeat and more likely to not be overweight.
Get ready to have that summer body!!!Live Well!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blood Pressure

Do you know what blood pressure is? Do you know if you are at risk for high blood pressure or how to lower your blood pressure if it is high? Check out this site so you can be informed and proactive!
Be In Control...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


There are an estimated 23.6 million children and adults with Diabetes in the United States yet many people still do not know what Diabetes is or if they are at risk for having it. Go to this site to learn about this disease and the risk factors for it. Be Aware...Live Well!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Heart Health

Follow this link to learn about risk factors for Heart Disease and the steps you can take to reduce them. Live Well!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Do you know what your BMI (Body Mass Index) is? Go to this site to find out what it is and what it means to your health:
Know Your Body....Take Control...Live Well!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Portion Control

One of the most important things you can do for your well being is control your portion sizes. In order to do that you need to know what a portion looks like. Check out the below links to two very "handy" tools that help you to use your hand or common house hold items to determine portion sizes. Live Well!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


"The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication."
~ Cecil B. De Mille

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mad as Hell!!!

I smiled to myself this morning while I was watching a clip of Mayor Bloomberg on the news, in which he quoted the movie Network during a news conference about the MTA fare hikes. He said that we had to get on the phone and tell our assembly people "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!" And indeed we should. However, those words should not only apply to the external things that alter our lifestyles. Those very words are the words we should say to ourselves every time our physical state interferes with the way we live. Every time you can not fit into a pair of your pants, or you can't do a sit-up because your stomach is in the way, or you can't get up a couple of flights of stairs with out need to say "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!"...Because you do not have to take it! You CAN change it!!! Be an activist...not only about the worldly issues that concern you, but about your health. You matter just as much or more! Live Well!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Beach Babe

Need to work on your posture? Something I always tell my clients is to imagine that they are walking down the beach in their bathing suit, every time they catch themselves slouching. By picturing this image you will inevitably respond by sucking in your belly button, throwing your shoulders back, and tilting your chin up. Keep this in mind and your posture will be more noble than neanderthal.
Live Well!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Brawn & Brains

Exercising is important to your body in EVERY way. When you are proactive about getting your workouts in you not only reap the benefits of a toned body, elevated metabolism, super efficient cardiovascular system, and improved mood, you also gain neurological benefits that keep your brain healthy and young.
Studies on exercise and brain function have shown exercise to:
  • Increase reaction time and attentiveness
  • Protect against cognitive decline
  • Enhance learning ability
  • Improve memory formation
  • Decrease depression symptoms due to strengthened synaptic connections
  • Increase flow of blood and oxygen to the brain
So if you think you are not the "exercise type," you are thinking wrong- probably the effect of lack of exercise on your brain!
Use Your Brain...Live Well!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Don't forget your ABCs!

A -Know that you have the ability!
B -Believe in yourself!
C -Have the courage to follow through because you are worth it!

Live Well!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Tool 4 U

Studies have shown that keeping a daily journal of your dietary intake proves successful in aiding in both weight loss and weight maintenance.Writing down what you eat helps you to be more aware of what you are taking in. Check out this link to a printable daily food log:
Be aware of what you are feeding your body....Live Well!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't give up working for what you want....

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
William Feather

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No Fly Zone

I am all for everything in moderation and I really do not like to put restrictions on foods. However, if you eat the whole box of cookies, or pint of ice cream, or bag of chips, EVERY TIME you bring them into your home...STOP buying them. Yes, you are allowed to ban certain foods from your kitchen. So if you have a particular treat that is a trigger for you to begin an all out eat-fest...get rid of it! There are plenty of other treats in the sea. Live Well!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Food as Fuel

So it is Monday...the day to start fresh, wipe away our failed attempts of staying on track over the weekend, and once again begin to take steps toward getting toward our goals. However, this Monday is going to be different than all the other Mondays because you are not just going to get back on track today, you are going to start looking at food in a new light. Yes, today you will begin to see food for what it truly is, fuel. Every time you go to put something in your mouth ask yourself "what will I get from this?" When faced with a choice of a cookie vs. an apple, ask yourself "which will provide my body with benefits like energy, antioxidants, and fiber?" Begin to choose foods for what they can provide for you and you will be well on your way toward getting the body you want. After all, you would never pour sugar into your car's gas tank, would you? Live Well!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Switch That to This

An average Chocolate Croissant has about:
  • 330 calories (or better)
  • 17 g fat
  • 10g saturated fat
Instead, try having 1 slice of whole wheat toast with 1 tablespoon of Nutella for:
  • 200 calories
  • 8g fat
  • 2g saturated
Now that's a treat...Yummy Chocolaty Goodness without the hiccup in your health plan!!
Live Well!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

You Need to Stretch

Stretching is just as important to your fitness plan as exercising and eating well is! Stretching helps to keep your body injury free and functional. Check out this site (link pasted below) for a detailed chart of stretches that you should be doing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Winners never quit and quitters never win. -Vince Lombardi

Q: How can I stick to my diet when I go out to a restaurant or to a friend's house for a meal? -T.M.

"Going out" does not have to mean "throwing out" all of your hard work! When dining out there are some guidelines you can follow to assure you stay within your health plan boundaries:
  1. Go for protein and non-starchy veggies first.
  2. Skip extras- like dressings, bread, cheese, butter, and creamy sauces.
  3. Choose one special treat. For example, 1 glass of wine, or a few bites of a dessert...not both.
  4. Enjoy your surroundings and the company you are with and don't allow the experience to be all about the food.
  5. Leave food is ok to not clean your plate. Explain to anyone who questions you that you are more health conscious these days and when your body says it is satisfied you listen.
  6. Not all occasions are special. Sometimes Monday is just a Monday so it is ok to just order a simple and light meal. If Monday happens to be your birthday then you are free to indulge a bit...remember having 1 extra drink or a slice of cake is an indulgence and that it is ok to stop there.
  7. Plan ahead. Having an idea about what you are going to eat before you get there will help keep you focused and help you to not be overwhelmed by temptation.
  8. When you are in a situation where you do not have a choice about what is on your plate, remember portion sizes. Eating small amounts of what is being served to you will not get you into trouble.
  9. Don't arrive starving! Remember to keep to your eating schedule that day and have a small snack (i.e. 10 nuts or some carrots & 2 tbsps hummus) before you leave to go out. When you get there, you will more able to maintain control over what you take in.
  10. Think about how happy you will be when you reach your goal....sticking to your plan will just help you to get there sooner.
Live Well!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun Food!

Think that eating healthfully has to be boring??? Not at all!!! Just revamp your favorite fun meals so they can be part of your healthy lifestyle. Here are some examples of how to make fun foods fit foods:
  • Turn a cheeseburger and fries into a turkey burger (use ground turkey breast) on a whole wheat bun with 1 slice of reduced fat cheese and a side of baked sweet potato fries.
  • Give a makeover to your favorite chile recipe by replacing beef with ground turkey or chicken breast and 1/2 the beans with cubed non-starchy veggies such as zucchini and carrots. Skip the sour cream and sprinkle shredded reduced fat cheese on top instead. Use baked tortilla chips as a garnish.
  • Tacos can be made healthier by replacing the beef with a fish fillet and the shells with non-fried corn tortillas. Add sliced avocado, lettuce, and tomato instead of cheese and sour cream.
  • Make individual pizzas by using a whole wheat pita as the crust. Next add lots of tomato sauce and some veggies, like broccoli and sliced eggplant, then sprinkle with a 2 tablespoons of shredded mozzarella and 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan....bake, eat...Yum!
Take a look at your favorite recipes or meals and identify the ingredients that you can swap out for healthier choices. If it is pasta, choose whole wheat, if it is ground beef, use ground turkey or chicken breast, if it is bacon, use turkey bacon....try it out, you will be surprised at how well it turns out and how much better your body is for it! Live Well!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Still not eating CARBS?????

Ok...once and for all....please get this through your, yes you, can NOT live without carbs. That's right, the human body requires them in order to survive. Heck, they are what your brain runs on! You will not be able to sustain any diet plan that excludes carbs with out you eventually binging on them. And forget trying to sustain any level of high energy output, because you will not have any. You will be tired, sick, and smelly...yep, smelly because your kidneys will be breaking down to help keep your brain alive since you have decided to starve it. Even if you lose weight and think you look great, it doesn't matter because no one will want to be close enough to talk to you due to your bad breath...hello halitosis! Oh, and on top of that, you will probably be really grumpy since you are now chronically constipated. Picture perfect huh?

The reason why people tend to lose weight by restricting carbs is because in doing that, they reduce their portion sizes thus reducing their daily caloric intake. Not to mention, there are very few sweets made of protein and fat. This is the lesson to learn here...if you want to lose weight, you must reduce your daily caloric intake...however, you should never restrict a food group entirely...this will just set you up for failure. Carbs provide you with heart healthy, cancer fighting nutrients that you can't get from other sources. You don't gain weight from eating carbs, you gain weight from OVEReating carbs. Instead of eliminating them, reduce them. For example, 1 slice of bread is a serving of carbohydrates, try having 1 slice of toast in the morning instead of 2. Another helpful diet tool, is choosing to eat starchy carbohydrates earlier on in the day(like oatmeal at breakfast and 1 slice of bread at lunch) and non-starchy carbs later on in the day (like spinach and broccoli at dinner). Choosing fruits instead of cakes and cookies and nibbling on raw veggies instead of chips and pretzels, will also help you to keep both your weight and health in check.

If you want to lose weight: eat less, move more! You need carbs...the right ones in the right amounts...stop trying to take shortcuts, they just lead to dead ends! Live Well!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Q: How do I know if I am underhydrated??? -anonymous

If you are thirsty, you are already beginning to become underhydrated. If you sweat alot during exercise and as a result lose weight post-workout, you are underhydrated. If you are fatigued and hungry eventhough you have had plenty of rest and food, you may be underhydrated. If you experience muscle cramps you may be underhydrated. If you have recently had a stomach virus or food poisoning you may be underhydrated.
Aim for eight 8 oz glasses of water each day to assure that you are at an adequate level of hydration. If you sweat excessively, or have had a recent bout of vomiting or diarrhea you may want to drink an electrolyte replacement drink to help you rehydrate. Drinks such as pedialyte, certain coconut waters, and Smartwater, have electrolytes in them and help to balance out your water losses.
Live Well!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Book Club

Are you interested in learning more about what you are eating, where it comes from, how and why? Check out Michael Pollan's book, The Omnivore's will open up your eyes to the industry of food and will help you to begin to explore the impact your consumption has on the earth. You will never look at food the same way again!
Feed Your Mind...Live Well!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Q: Is there such a thing as drinking too much water? -B.R.

Yes, there is such a thing as drinking too much water. Both Hyponatremia and Water Intoxication are conditions caused by an intake of water that exceeds the body's excretion ability. These are conditions that are associated with problems such as kidney failure, excessive sodium restriction or loss, and overuse of diuretics. For example, marathon runners who have run many miles will not drink water as they run due to the excessive sodium losses they experience as a result of the large amount of sweat they produce...instead, they will drink and eat electrolyte replacement products to stay hydrated and maintain their stamina.
If you are a healthy individual that is not competing in vigorous sports for many hours, and that is not under restriction by a Dr., you are most likely not at risk for overconsumption of water. You are probably more inclined to be underhydrated due to a busy schedule, unbalanced diet, and lack of proper water intake.
We get water from foods, beverages, and as a byproduct of our metabolic processes. We lose water through our kidneys, GI tract, lungs and skin. When altitude and/or temperatures are high, or humidity is low, we may lose more water then usual due to increased sweating or more rapid breathing. It is a good idea to aim for about eight 8oz glasses of water (the common average of water needs for healthy adults) each day in addition to eating a balanced diet, to help you stay hydrated and keep your body functioning properly. Drink Up...Live Well!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside....

It may be a snow day...but don't translate that into a day off of your fitness or eating plan. Although it's cold today, in just a few short weeks it will be sunny and warm and you will have to shed those coats and sweaters...
We will be having random 80 degree days and not random snow days coming up in the next few weeks (it is already March!) and you will be happy you stuck to your plan the first time you need to wear a sleeveless shirt!
Live Well!

Friday, February 27, 2009


Goals help to keep you motivated...they give you something to push for, even when you feel like giving up. In order for goals to really work though they need to be personal, specific, and realistic. Having a general goal such as "looking better" is good but it is not as powerful as having a more personalized goal like "feeling fantastic in sleeveless shirts this summer."
This weekend your homework is to come up with a list of 3 goals. One will be something you want to accomplish this week. The next will be one that you will accomplish this month. The third one will be something you want to accomplish this year.
Remember to keep the goals realistic! For example, a goal for this week could be to add in an extra day at the gym...a goal for this month can be to lose 3 pounds....a goal for this year can be being able to wear the dress of your dreams on New Year's Eve.
When you are done with this list pin it up on your mirror, your fridge, your computer screen, everywhere.Use this list as a daily reminder of what you are working for. Don't forget to note your progress...your accomplishments are also strong motivators that will help keep you on track!
Live Well!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

All or None

Do you throw your diet out the window because you had a piece of chocolate, or not count your workout because you could only do 20 minutes instead of your usual 45? Do you start most days saying "I'm going to be good today" and end most nights saying "I'll start fresh tomorrow." Do you have constant feelings of "needing to get back on track"??? If so, you suffer from "all-or-none" a terrible disorder that is detrimental to our health and keeps us stressed, extreme, and down on ourselves. I am not only the president of this club but also a member...and I am sick of it! Why? Because 80%, 60% and 25% are all better than 0%...that's why! If you have a list of 10 things you want to change and you only get around to changing 3, that is 3 less things you need to worry about...isn't that so much better than continuing to worry and stress about all 10 things because you haven't been able to conquer them all?!?!
Today I offer you a cure for this nagging disorder. It is a simple process called "do-what-you-can" and it can be yours for the low, low price of "give-yourself-credit."
Live Well!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Take Action!

You cannot plough a field by
turning it over in your mind.

Author Unknown

In other words...if you want it....go and get it! Instead of thinking about losing weight, actively watch your diet...instead of thinking about getting to the gym, actually get off your butt and go...YOU can have what you want, but you have to work for it. Live Well!

Monday, February 23, 2009


The dictionary defines it as:
"steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."
Do you have it?
If not, you need it.
Living Well is not all about diet and exercise, it is also about being self aware and self confident. Believing in yourself is the key to must believe that you can do anything you put your mind to and you must persevere even when it seems all odds are not in your favor.
Check out this site and find your perseverance quotient....
Stay Strong...Live Well!

Music to Move To.....

There is no doubt that when you listen to music you hear it emotionally. That is why music can be key to motivating your workout. Choosing songs that you associate with happy times or inspirational images will help inspire the energy you need to get through a workout, especially when you rather just be lying on your couch!
My husband/business partner Darryl and I (Anne Marie) decided to each put together a list of our top 5 songs that get us geared for moving...yes, even trainers need motivation when it comes to working out....

Darryl's Top 5 Work Out Songs:
  1. "Thunderstruck" -AC/DC
  2. "Welcome to the Jungle" -Guns N' Roses
  3. "Take the Power Back" - Rage Against the Machine
  4. "Still D.R.E." -Dr. Dre
  5. "Kickstart My Heart" -Motley Crue
Anne Marie's Top 5 Work Out Songs:
  1. "Glory Days" -Bruce Springsteen
  2. "Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky)" - DeEtta Little, Nelson Pigford & Chorus
  3. "Proud Mary" -Ike & Tina Turner
  4. "Crazy in Love" -Beyonce
  5. "Canned Heat" -Jamiroquai
To help keep you motivated this week come up with your own Top Work Out Song List. Email us your #1 pick(write #1 in the subject line) at and we will use it to compile a list of the Top 20 Work Out Songs of all time. Now, remember....don't just sit on itunes and listen to these songs...test them out during your workouts! Live Well!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Food and Drugs...

I always find it surprising when people tell me that they do not read the pamphlets/instructions that they receive along with their prescription or over-the-counter drugs. All medications are chemicals that cause certain reactions in your is important to know how other things you consume will impact those reactions. For example, most people know not to have grapefruit/citrus with certain cholesterol medications...but did you know that garlic can also cause problems for you when you are taking particular cholesterol meds. Check out the link pasted below to a brochure that will help you to learn more about food and drug interactions...and remember to read those pamphlets and instructions or at least ask your Dr. or pharmacist about the medications you are taking! Live Well!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Master Cleanse...

Are you kidding me???? That is my response to the master cleanse. We humans already have a master cleanse and it is called The Digestive System. Drinking lemon juice and maple syrup will only result in dehydration and malnutrition. Your body will not give up precious body fat (which we store due to our survival instincts) because you are starving will surrender water and muscle first...thus the 5 to 7 pounds you think you will lose by cleansing. All that starving and not even a permanent weight loss. And as far as those who claim you will think more's called hallucination people...just like someone who has been lost in the desert for days and finally spots an oasis. If you want to cleanse your system and jump start your diet plan, try eating fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, drinking plenty of water, and getting rid of alcohol. At least that will put you on the road to long term weight loss and good health practices. Don't buy into the hype, instead do what we know really works, eat moderately and move your body more....Live Well!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't be a SICKO!

Is it me or has this been the "sickest" winter ever....I swear that everyone I know has been pretty sick, more than once, over the past few months. The amount of stress we experience daily is certainly not of any help to us when it comes to staying healthy because it affects the way we care for ourselves. We lose sleep, miss workouts, and eat junk when we feel stressed...thus the vicious cycle of not feeling well and being vulnerable to the germs surrounding us. So, instead of just lying down and taking it...fight back! Here are 5 ways you can boost your immune system and stay on the road of wellness:
  1. Walk! Studies show that 30 minutes of walking each day stimulates the immune system and results in you getting sick less often!
  2. Get your antioxidants! Antioxidants, found in fruits and veggies, are the superheros of your immune system, they swoop in and capture invaders and save your butt from lying on the couch for the next 5 days in a row. So eat lots of fruits and veggies everyday!
  3. Eat your vitamins and minerals! That's right, I said eat them not take them.Eating a well balanced diet that includes all the food groups and limits the twinkie groups provides you with the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy...the synergistic effect that those foods have when working together also helps to provide for your health needs. Now, of course if you do not eat an adequate diet, feel free to take a multi-vitamin (guys, and gals in menopause, you do not need one with iron in it unless you are told by your Dr.)...In addition, you do not need to take separate vitamins and minerals unless your Dr. has recommended it.
  4. Go Pro>>>>That is, eat probiotic rich foods, such as yogurt. Probiotics keep the healthy bacteria in your intestines thriving, thus keeping you healthier.
  5. De-Stress! Take deep breathes, listen to music that you associate with happy times, watch your favorite movie, take a bath, meditate, get plenty of sleep, exercise, talk about it with a pro-active about getting rid of stress!
Live Well!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belly Fat

Many have it....few want it....actually, no one really wants it.....and the worst part about it, crunches alone will not rid you of it! That's right can do all the core work or pilates you want, but unless your diet and fitness plan are in check, that stubborn belly fat will not go anywhere! Yes, it is true, there is no such thing as spot reduction. Belly fat is body fat and just like the rest of the fat on your body, you must diet and exercise to reduce it. It is important that you not only do "Ab" work when trying to lose your belly because you need the calorie burning effects of moving your larger muscle groups in order to lose body fat. Although core work is an extremely important part of any exercise plan, it is the cardiovascular exercises like jogging and biking, and the weight training exercises like squatting and rowing, that will help you to lose the extra poundage! So make sure to create a fitness plan that includes core work, cardiovascular exercises, and weight training. As you lose those extra pounds, you will begin to see the muscles you are toning by doing all that work, including those elusive abs! So watch what you eat, move your body in a variety of ways, and get ready to show off that 8-pack! Live Well!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Portions and Servings....

Check out this site:
It will help you to better understand what a portion size should be and what an individual serving is. You will also be able to watch a slide show on how portion sizes have changed over the past 20 years...after seeing this, you will realize why America has become so fat! Be moderate, eat the correct portions for you, move your body.....Live Well!

Friday, February 13, 2009

If you really want to lose weight....

If you really want to lose weight, you may want to consider cutting alcohol out of your diet. Why? Alcohol provides many calories and no nutrition. In fact, it is a toxin to your body. Additionally, alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which may lead you to drink more than you planned to. Having a few drinks on a Friday can squash the efforts you had made toward your weight loss goal throughout the rest of the week.
If you are going to drink, then know the facts so you can make wise decisions:
  • 1 beer = 12oz
  • 1 glass of wine = 5oz
  • 1 cocktail (80-proof distilled spirits) = 1.5oz
Measure these out while you are at home by using a measuring cup, so you can see what an actual serving looks like. You will find that an actual serving is much smaller than what you are used to being served.
Here is a list of some common drinks and their average calories per serving (as noted above!):
  • light beer (12 oz) = 95-110 calories
  • regular beer (12oz) = 150 calories
  • red wine (5oz) = 115-125 calories
  • white wine (5oz) = 1o5-125 calories
  • vodka (1.5oz) = 95 calories
  • tequila (1.5oz) = 95 calories
  • rum (1.5oz) = 90 calories
  • whiskey (1.5oz) = 95 calories
As you can see, although our client Jeremiah over at Campfire ( wants to believe that clear liquids have no calories, they clearly have many....and for those who may argue that drinking white wine is ok because it is less caloric than red wine, you can see from the above list that the negligible difference is meaningless.
Treat alcohol as you would treat an indulgent food. Have it in moderation, if at all, and keep track of how much you are drinking and the calories you are adding to your daily toll. But when it comes down to it, if you really want the weight off then lose the booze! Live Well!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Health is Wealth...

Everyone is super busy and stressed these days...even still, it is important to fit exercise and activity into your day. No excuses. Only you can take charge of your health. In order to get your body moving enough throughout the day, be inventive. Try walking to and from work, or at least getting out of the train a stop early. You can do squats while talking on the phone. While watching a TV show, get on the floor and do some crunches and push ups during the commercials. Instead of going for a cocktail at the end of the day, try going for a jog . Fitting in exercise, even if it is in bits and pieces, will not only keep your body healthy but will do wonders for your mind. After all, if you have your health, everything else will fall into place. Live Well!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Activity vs. Exercise...What do ya think your doin'???

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between what an activity is and what an exercise help you do that, there is a guide you can use called The Scale of Perceived Exertion. On this scale, 1 marks a restful state like lounging on your couch and 10 marks an extreme state as if your were running in a full sprint. When you are doing an activity such as walking around a mall or cleaning your house, you may be anywhere from a 2-5 on that scale. When you are exercising, for example going for a jog or jumping rope, you can be anywhere from a 6-8 or even 9 on that scale. It is important to remember that you should never feel out of control when you are exercising, and if you are quickly climbing toward a 9 on that scale you should probably take down your exertion level a notch.
Here is a quick list of activities and exercises that you can refer to when you are confused about what you are doing:

Walking Briskly (non-stop)
Weight Training
Vigorous Yoga or Pilates
Jump Rope or Calisthenics (i.e jumping jacks, push ups)
Sports (i.e. Basketball, Karate, Soccer)
Biking or Spin Class

Walking your dog
Walking around the mall
Cleaning your house
Carrying groceries
Pacing while talking on the phone
Going for a casual bike ride
Running after your kids
Taking the stairs

There is a place for both activity and exercise in your day. You need both in your life in order to be healthy and fit. ...keep that in mind the next time you have a choice between taking the stairs or riding the elevator! Live Well!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh, my achin' back!!!

You have spent the entire day crumpled up in your chair, hovering above your keyboard, basking in the fluorescent lighting of your office and now you expect to stand up from your desk and walk out the door feeling good....right????....WRONG, that does not happen because your back is killing you! That's right, your back hurts so much that you can't really even walk out the door, it's more of a hobble.
In order to prevent lurking around like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, here are 3 simple things you can do throughout the day to keep your back feeling good:
  • Stand up from your desk every 15-20 minutes and pace or walk around. This will help to decrease the amount of time your spine is in a compressed position.
  • Sit up straight! While sitting, pretend you have an imaginary pencil in between your shoulder blades that you must hold onto. Squeeze your shoulder blades toward one another while bringing your belly button in toward your spine to keep your abs engaged as well. You should appear as if you are having your portrait taken....chin up, head back, chest up, back straight, and stomach pulled in (a smile wouldn't hurt you either!).
  • Exercise those back muscles! Your back hurts because it is over-stretched not over-worked. To combat this, stand with your back up against a wall with your heels, butt, shoulders, and head on the wall. Stand there for 30-60 seconds and do this 2-3x each day.
Moving your body and maintaining your flexibility are also key in preventing back remember that the next time you just feel like sitting on your couch after a long day of sitting at work! Live Well!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Seriously, is Jessica Simpson really fat?????

As a personal trainer and nutritionist, I have clients come to me all the time in search of a way to look like their favorite celebrities. Although I am happy to help them to look and feel their best, these ideals are often out of reach....why??? Because it is a celebrity's job to exercise for many hours each day, eat a regimented diet each day, fit into the clothes they are given, and roles they are cast in. We easily forget that and instead compare ourselves to them, leading us to feel inadequate and frustrated with our appearances. When you live in a society that calls a size 2 Jessica Simpson fat, what do you expect?!?! So instead of using all that energy on being unhappy with your body, gear it toward embracing your body. Get motivated by the fact that it moves you around, enables you to live! Use your energy to care for it, have pride in it! If you start eating right and exercising because you want to be healthy and feel good instead of look a certain way, you will stay motivated and be more consistent with your plan. The best part is, because of that you will not only be in great shape, but you will also look amazing! The point is, a healthy body is a beautiful body.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekend Warrior

All too often a week of wise decisions and healthful activities becomes unraveled by an overly indulgent weekend. Don't let this happen to you! You can still have a fun and relaxing weekend without throwing away all the hard work you put in during the week. It just takes a little planning. Here are 5 ways you can stay on track during your time off:
  1. Skip alcohol if you can, it is full of calories that provide zero nutrition! If you are going to have drinks, have a water or club soda in between each one. This will help you to cut the amount of alcohol you take in while also keeping you hydrated.
  2. Add activity into your activities. Plan an outing to the ice rink instead of the cafe. Walk around a museum instead of sitting in a theater. Go out dancing instead of to a restaurant.
  3. When going out to eat, skip the starchy foods. Instead, opt for grilled chicken and fish dishes that are accompanied by lots of veggies. Enjoy the atmosphere and the company rather than focusing on the food.
  4. Try getting to the gym both days of the weekend!
  5. Stick to your eating schedule. Avoid skipping meals or over eating at an individual meal. This will help you to better control your daily caloric intake.
It is important to enjoy your days off, especially in the stressful world we live in. Try to consider caring for your health and sticking to your fitness plan a major indulgent. After all, it is all about you! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feeling Fat????

Well don't! Instead of wallowing in your own sorrow, take action! Today can be the day that changes the rest of your life. Try these 5 simple changes to help get you on the road to triumph:
  • Switch an alcoholic beverage for a seltzer or diet soda and save at least 150 calories
  • Trade in 2 chocolate chip cookies for an apple and save up to 10 grams of fat
  • Choose a grilled fish dish over a burger and fries and get a dose of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids (not to mention the extra 1000 calories you can save by doing that!)
  • Walk for an extra 10 minutes today and burn around an extra 75 calories
  • Tell the waiter to bring the bread basket back to where it came don't want to carry it around with you for the next month
Do it TODAY...nothing is stopping you but you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An apple a day keeps the doctor away....

Being fit is not about deprivation. Actually, it is about giving your body the things it needs to thrive. That is why it is so important to never skimp on fruits and veggies! Fruits and veggies provide us with the important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that we need to stay healthy. To check out what the right amount of fruits and veggies per day are for you, and how you can incorporate them into your daily menu, visit this site:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Keeping hydrated is key in weight loss. By drinking water, you reduce water retention and fatigue. In addition, we often tend to confuse our signals for thirst with those of hunger, leading us to nosh when really we should be sipping...water that is! So, fill up that glass throughout the day....try to get in at least six 8oz glasses, if you can drink more or you exercise a lot, up that to at least eight 8oz glasses. Now isn't that refreshing!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fitness Kick Off

Feeling unmotivated? Gained a few pounds over the Holidays that have decided to stick around? Got the winter blues? Me too! That is why I have decided to start this Fitness Forward Event that you are welcome to participate in! Each week we will add in a new "Fitness" component. Each day I will post some sort of advice, idea, motivating words, or recipe to help keep us on track. How does this sound? If you are into it that's great, just join in. Any running comments, questions and thoughts are welcome if they pertain to the subject at hand! Ok?!?!
Here we go....Fitness challenge for Week One (beginning Monday 2/2/08):
Get Rid Of Alcohol! No drinks at all! Add in three 20 minute walks (they can be broken up into two10 minute walks)...add these in addition to any other exercise you normally do.
Ok...Good luck!!!! The Live Well Company