Friday, April 3, 2009

7 Weeks!

There are 7 weeks left until Memorial Day Weekend. Are you ready to wear a bathing suit? If not, it's not too late!! You have time to get your body summer-ready if you start today! So this weekend make some commitments. Stick with these basic rules and you should be well on your way to a summer of feeling and looking fantastic.
  • Get rid of the extras: alcohol, sweets, fatty sauces, etc.
  • Add in an hour of activity everyday that you can.
  • Skip starch based meals at night, go for lean protein and loads of veggies instead.
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps you to stay bloat free.
  • Sleep. Studies show that people who get adequate amounts of sleep are less likely to overeat and more likely to not be overweight.
Get ready to have that summer body!!!Live Well!!!


Anonymous said...

but i like drinking. is there something else i can give up instead?

Anonymous said...

seems like you don't are always posting in the middle of the night. How do you balance your life?