Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holiday Survival Guide

Enjoying the holidays does not have to mean weight gain. Treat the holidays as what they are, a time to celebrate, spend time with family and friends (and no, you can not self-medicate with alcohol), and pass along tradition. You do not have to overeat because it is a special time (or because you are stuck at a table full of food for 8 hours). You can make the choice to skip the extras, watch your portion sizes, and get in some exercise (perfect excuse to escape the chaos). In addition, only celebrate the holiday on the actual date of the holiday. There is no need to indulge on the days leading up to or following it. Pack up leftovers and give them away.
Instead of dwelling on the food that is part of your celebration, reflect on the meaning of your holiday and the traditions you are part of. The most important thing you can remember is that taking good care of yourself now will allow you to spend many more holidays with those you love in the future. Happy Holidays...Live Well!!!

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