Monday, March 16, 2009

Food as Fuel

So it is Monday...the day to start fresh, wipe away our failed attempts of staying on track over the weekend, and once again begin to take steps toward getting toward our goals. However, this Monday is going to be different than all the other Mondays because you are not just going to get back on track today, you are going to start looking at food in a new light. Yes, today you will begin to see food for what it truly is, fuel. Every time you go to put something in your mouth ask yourself "what will I get from this?" When faced with a choice of a cookie vs. an apple, ask yourself "which will provide my body with benefits like energy, antioxidants, and fiber?" Begin to choose foods for what they can provide for you and you will be well on your way toward getting the body you want. After all, you would never pour sugar into your car's gas tank, would you? Live Well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yoghurt, berries and granola for breakfast. Tasty.