Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Q: Is there such a thing as drinking too much water? -B.R.

Yes, there is such a thing as drinking too much water. Both Hyponatremia and Water Intoxication are conditions caused by an intake of water that exceeds the body's excretion ability. These are conditions that are associated with problems such as kidney failure, excessive sodium restriction or loss, and overuse of diuretics. For example, marathon runners who have run many miles will not drink water as they run due to the excessive sodium losses they experience as a result of the large amount of sweat they produce...instead, they will drink and eat electrolyte replacement products to stay hydrated and maintain their stamina.
If you are a healthy individual that is not competing in vigorous sports for many hours, and that is not under restriction by a Dr., you are most likely not at risk for overconsumption of water. You are probably more inclined to be underhydrated due to a busy schedule, unbalanced diet, and lack of proper water intake.
We get water from foods, beverages, and as a byproduct of our metabolic processes. We lose water through our kidneys, GI tract, lungs and skin. When altitude and/or temperatures are high, or humidity is low, we may lose more water then usual due to increased sweating or more rapid breathing. It is a good idea to aim for about eight 8oz glasses of water (the common average of water needs for healthy adults) each day in addition to eating a balanced diet, to help you stay hydrated and keep your body functioning properly. Drink Up...Live Well!


Anonymous said...

How do you know if you are under hydrated? Are there signs that you can look for? I don't drink as much water as I probably should because I hate having to run to the bathroom all day long as it interferes with my job. I never feel bad or dehydrated but then I am not sure how I would tell. And, if I do get a little dehydrated each day, is that really a big deal?

Anonymous said...

Do you respond to questions in the comments?