Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Master Cleanse...

Are you kidding me???? That is my response to the master cleanse. We humans already have a master cleanse and it is called The Digestive System. Drinking lemon juice and maple syrup will only result in dehydration and malnutrition. Your body will not give up precious body fat (which we store due to our survival instincts) because you are starving will surrender water and muscle first...thus the 5 to 7 pounds you think you will lose by cleansing. All that starving and not even a permanent weight loss. And as far as those who claim you will think more's called hallucination people...just like someone who has been lost in the desert for days and finally spots an oasis. If you want to cleanse your system and jump start your diet plan, try eating fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, drinking plenty of water, and getting rid of alcohol. At least that will put you on the road to long term weight loss and good health practices. Don't buy into the hype, instead do what we know really works, eat moderately and move your body more....Live Well!

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