Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feeling Fat????

Well don't! Instead of wallowing in your own sorrow, take action! Today can be the day that changes the rest of your life. Try these 5 simple changes to help get you on the road to triumph:
  • Switch an alcoholic beverage for a seltzer or diet soda and save at least 150 calories
  • Trade in 2 chocolate chip cookies for an apple and save up to 10 grams of fat
  • Choose a grilled fish dish over a burger and fries and get a dose of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids (not to mention the extra 1000 calories you can save by doing that!)
  • Walk for an extra 10 minutes today and burn around an extra 75 calories
  • Tell the waiter to bring the bread basket back to where it came don't want to carry it around with you for the next month
Do it TODAY...nothing is stopping you but you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the most helpful blog ever. Why? Because it's absolutely doable. It so nice to get away from these tedious articles with 100 different exercises and diets. This is sensible, doable and affordable.

Bravo Livewell!!!!!!!
