Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fitness Kick Off

Feeling unmotivated? Gained a few pounds over the Holidays that have decided to stick around? Got the winter blues? Me too! That is why I have decided to start this Fitness Forward Event that you are welcome to participate in! Each week we will add in a new "Fitness" component. Each day I will post some sort of advice, idea, motivating words, or recipe to help keep us on track. How does this sound? If you are into it that's great, just join in. Any running comments, questions and thoughts are welcome if they pertain to the subject at hand! Ok?!?!
Here we go....Fitness challenge for Week One (beginning Monday 2/2/08):
Get Rid Of Alcohol! No drinks at all! Add in three 20 minute walks (they can be broken up into two10 minute walks)...add these in addition to any other exercise you normally do.
Ok...Good luck!!!! The Live Well Company


Teri said...

not even 1 little drink, cuz?-lol

Unknown said...

OK. So I'm all over the walking and I think I've lost at least 10 pounds since I landed in the UK. But the no alcohol just isn't an option while I'm here. I'll make it up when I return. Promise.

Unknown said...

OK - the 20-minute walks are posted on my calendar for Wed., Sat. and Sun! Thanx for the help. You rock, Livewell Co.!