Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belly Fat

Many have it....few want it....actually, no one really wants it.....and the worst part about it, crunches alone will not rid you of it! That's right folks...you can do all the core work or pilates you want, but unless your diet and fitness plan are in check, that stubborn belly fat will not go anywhere! Yes, it is true, there is no such thing as spot reduction. Belly fat is body fat and just like the rest of the fat on your body, you must diet and exercise to reduce it. It is important that you not only do "Ab" work when trying to lose your belly because you need the calorie burning effects of moving your larger muscle groups in order to lose body fat. Although core work is an extremely important part of any exercise plan, it is the cardiovascular exercises like jogging and biking, and the weight training exercises like squatting and rowing, that will help you to lose the extra poundage! So make sure to create a fitness plan that includes core work, cardiovascular exercises, and weight training. As you lose those extra pounds, you will begin to see the muscles you are toning by doing all that work, including those elusive abs! So watch what you eat, move your body in a variety of ways, and get ready to show off that 8-pack! Live Well!

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