Thursday, February 26, 2009

All or None

Do you throw your diet out the window because you had a piece of chocolate, or not count your workout because you could only do 20 minutes instead of your usual 45? Do you start most days saying "I'm going to be good today" and end most nights saying "I'll start fresh tomorrow." Do you have constant feelings of "needing to get back on track"??? If so, you suffer from "all-or-none" a terrible disorder that is detrimental to our health and keeps us stressed, extreme, and down on ourselves. I am not only the president of this club but also a member...and I am sick of it! Why? Because 80%, 60% and 25% are all better than 0%...that's why! If you have a list of 10 things you want to change and you only get around to changing 3, that is 3 less things you need to worry about...isn't that so much better than continuing to worry and stress about all 10 things because you haven't been able to conquer them all?!?!
Today I offer you a cure for this nagging disorder. It is a simple process called "do-what-you-can" and it can be yours for the low, low price of "give-yourself-credit."
Live Well!


Amanda Gordon said...

awesome post! ; ) (love yesterday's too) and you wrote it at 4 in the morning, amazing. to the all or nothing point i am trying to do just 20 minutes EVERY day instead of all or nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Seems like a double edged sword to me. There's no doubt that everyone is busy but it is too easy to let your exercise be the first thing that goes. May I suggest that you look at your workout schedule as something that you have to get done over a longer period of time than a single day. To Amanda's point, if she gets in 20 minutes everyday that's almost 2.5 hours per week. Maybe her over overall goal is 5 hours of cardio a week (no idea, just making that up). That means she need only find another couple of hours on 1 or 2 days where she isn't so busy. Maybe a 2 hour bike ride on a pleasant Sunday morning or an hour on the treadmill walking and watching TV or reading. For me, if I look at accomplishing goals over a longer period, it gives me more flexibility in achieving them.