Friday, February 27, 2009


Goals help to keep you motivated...they give you something to push for, even when you feel like giving up. In order for goals to really work though they need to be personal, specific, and realistic. Having a general goal such as "looking better" is good but it is not as powerful as having a more personalized goal like "feeling fantastic in sleeveless shirts this summer."
This weekend your homework is to come up with a list of 3 goals. One will be something you want to accomplish this week. The next will be one that you will accomplish this month. The third one will be something you want to accomplish this year.
Remember to keep the goals realistic! For example, a goal for this week could be to add in an extra day at the gym...a goal for this month can be to lose 3 pounds....a goal for this year can be being able to wear the dress of your dreams on New Year's Eve.
When you are done with this list pin it up on your mirror, your fridge, your computer screen, everywhere.Use this list as a daily reminder of what you are working for. Don't forget to note your progress...your accomplishments are also strong motivators that will help keep you on track!
Live Well!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

All or None

Do you throw your diet out the window because you had a piece of chocolate, or not count your workout because you could only do 20 minutes instead of your usual 45? Do you start most days saying "I'm going to be good today" and end most nights saying "I'll start fresh tomorrow." Do you have constant feelings of "needing to get back on track"??? If so, you suffer from "all-or-none" a terrible disorder that is detrimental to our health and keeps us stressed, extreme, and down on ourselves. I am not only the president of this club but also a member...and I am sick of it! Why? Because 80%, 60% and 25% are all better than 0%...that's why! If you have a list of 10 things you want to change and you only get around to changing 3, that is 3 less things you need to worry about...isn't that so much better than continuing to worry and stress about all 10 things because you haven't been able to conquer them all?!?!
Today I offer you a cure for this nagging disorder. It is a simple process called "do-what-you-can" and it can be yours for the low, low price of "give-yourself-credit."
Live Well!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Take Action!

You cannot plough a field by
turning it over in your mind.

Author Unknown

In other words...if you want it....go and get it! Instead of thinking about losing weight, actively watch your diet...instead of thinking about getting to the gym, actually get off your butt and go...YOU can have what you want, but you have to work for it. Live Well!

Monday, February 23, 2009


The dictionary defines it as:
"steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."
Do you have it?
If not, you need it.
Living Well is not all about diet and exercise, it is also about being self aware and self confident. Believing in yourself is the key to must believe that you can do anything you put your mind to and you must persevere even when it seems all odds are not in your favor.
Check out this site and find your perseverance quotient....
Stay Strong...Live Well!

Music to Move To.....

There is no doubt that when you listen to music you hear it emotionally. That is why music can be key to motivating your workout. Choosing songs that you associate with happy times or inspirational images will help inspire the energy you need to get through a workout, especially when you rather just be lying on your couch!
My husband/business partner Darryl and I (Anne Marie) decided to each put together a list of our top 5 songs that get us geared for moving...yes, even trainers need motivation when it comes to working out....

Darryl's Top 5 Work Out Songs:
  1. "Thunderstruck" -AC/DC
  2. "Welcome to the Jungle" -Guns N' Roses
  3. "Take the Power Back" - Rage Against the Machine
  4. "Still D.R.E." -Dr. Dre
  5. "Kickstart My Heart" -Motley Crue
Anne Marie's Top 5 Work Out Songs:
  1. "Glory Days" -Bruce Springsteen
  2. "Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky)" - DeEtta Little, Nelson Pigford & Chorus
  3. "Proud Mary" -Ike & Tina Turner
  4. "Crazy in Love" -Beyonce
  5. "Canned Heat" -Jamiroquai
To help keep you motivated this week come up with your own Top Work Out Song List. Email us your #1 pick(write #1 in the subject line) at and we will use it to compile a list of the Top 20 Work Out Songs of all time. Now, remember....don't just sit on itunes and listen to these songs...test them out during your workouts! Live Well!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Food and Drugs...

I always find it surprising when people tell me that they do not read the pamphlets/instructions that they receive along with their prescription or over-the-counter drugs. All medications are chemicals that cause certain reactions in your is important to know how other things you consume will impact those reactions. For example, most people know not to have grapefruit/citrus with certain cholesterol medications...but did you know that garlic can also cause problems for you when you are taking particular cholesterol meds. Check out the link pasted below to a brochure that will help you to learn more about food and drug interactions...and remember to read those pamphlets and instructions or at least ask your Dr. or pharmacist about the medications you are taking! Live Well!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Master Cleanse...

Are you kidding me???? That is my response to the master cleanse. We humans already have a master cleanse and it is called The Digestive System. Drinking lemon juice and maple syrup will only result in dehydration and malnutrition. Your body will not give up precious body fat (which we store due to our survival instincts) because you are starving will surrender water and muscle first...thus the 5 to 7 pounds you think you will lose by cleansing. All that starving and not even a permanent weight loss. And as far as those who claim you will think more's called hallucination people...just like someone who has been lost in the desert for days and finally spots an oasis. If you want to cleanse your system and jump start your diet plan, try eating fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, drinking plenty of water, and getting rid of alcohol. At least that will put you on the road to long term weight loss and good health practices. Don't buy into the hype, instead do what we know really works, eat moderately and move your body more....Live Well!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't be a SICKO!

Is it me or has this been the "sickest" winter ever....I swear that everyone I know has been pretty sick, more than once, over the past few months. The amount of stress we experience daily is certainly not of any help to us when it comes to staying healthy because it affects the way we care for ourselves. We lose sleep, miss workouts, and eat junk when we feel stressed...thus the vicious cycle of not feeling well and being vulnerable to the germs surrounding us. So, instead of just lying down and taking it...fight back! Here are 5 ways you can boost your immune system and stay on the road of wellness:
  1. Walk! Studies show that 30 minutes of walking each day stimulates the immune system and results in you getting sick less often!
  2. Get your antioxidants! Antioxidants, found in fruits and veggies, are the superheros of your immune system, they swoop in and capture invaders and save your butt from lying on the couch for the next 5 days in a row. So eat lots of fruits and veggies everyday!
  3. Eat your vitamins and minerals! That's right, I said eat them not take them.Eating a well balanced diet that includes all the food groups and limits the twinkie groups provides you with the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy...the synergistic effect that those foods have when working together also helps to provide for your health needs. Now, of course if you do not eat an adequate diet, feel free to take a multi-vitamin (guys, and gals in menopause, you do not need one with iron in it unless you are told by your Dr.)...In addition, you do not need to take separate vitamins and minerals unless your Dr. has recommended it.
  4. Go Pro>>>>That is, eat probiotic rich foods, such as yogurt. Probiotics keep the healthy bacteria in your intestines thriving, thus keeping you healthier.
  5. De-Stress! Take deep breathes, listen to music that you associate with happy times, watch your favorite movie, take a bath, meditate, get plenty of sleep, exercise, talk about it with a pro-active about getting rid of stress!
Live Well!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belly Fat

Many have it....few want it....actually, no one really wants it.....and the worst part about it, crunches alone will not rid you of it! That's right can do all the core work or pilates you want, but unless your diet and fitness plan are in check, that stubborn belly fat will not go anywhere! Yes, it is true, there is no such thing as spot reduction. Belly fat is body fat and just like the rest of the fat on your body, you must diet and exercise to reduce it. It is important that you not only do "Ab" work when trying to lose your belly because you need the calorie burning effects of moving your larger muscle groups in order to lose body fat. Although core work is an extremely important part of any exercise plan, it is the cardiovascular exercises like jogging and biking, and the weight training exercises like squatting and rowing, that will help you to lose the extra poundage! So make sure to create a fitness plan that includes core work, cardiovascular exercises, and weight training. As you lose those extra pounds, you will begin to see the muscles you are toning by doing all that work, including those elusive abs! So watch what you eat, move your body in a variety of ways, and get ready to show off that 8-pack! Live Well!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Portions and Servings....

Check out this site:
It will help you to better understand what a portion size should be and what an individual serving is. You will also be able to watch a slide show on how portion sizes have changed over the past 20 years...after seeing this, you will realize why America has become so fat! Be moderate, eat the correct portions for you, move your body.....Live Well!

Friday, February 13, 2009

If you really want to lose weight....

If you really want to lose weight, you may want to consider cutting alcohol out of your diet. Why? Alcohol provides many calories and no nutrition. In fact, it is a toxin to your body. Additionally, alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which may lead you to drink more than you planned to. Having a few drinks on a Friday can squash the efforts you had made toward your weight loss goal throughout the rest of the week.
If you are going to drink, then know the facts so you can make wise decisions:
  • 1 beer = 12oz
  • 1 glass of wine = 5oz
  • 1 cocktail (80-proof distilled spirits) = 1.5oz
Measure these out while you are at home by using a measuring cup, so you can see what an actual serving looks like. You will find that an actual serving is much smaller than what you are used to being served.
Here is a list of some common drinks and their average calories per serving (as noted above!):
  • light beer (12 oz) = 95-110 calories
  • regular beer (12oz) = 150 calories
  • red wine (5oz) = 115-125 calories
  • white wine (5oz) = 1o5-125 calories
  • vodka (1.5oz) = 95 calories
  • tequila (1.5oz) = 95 calories
  • rum (1.5oz) = 90 calories
  • whiskey (1.5oz) = 95 calories
As you can see, although our client Jeremiah over at Campfire ( wants to believe that clear liquids have no calories, they clearly have many....and for those who may argue that drinking white wine is ok because it is less caloric than red wine, you can see from the above list that the negligible difference is meaningless.
Treat alcohol as you would treat an indulgent food. Have it in moderation, if at all, and keep track of how much you are drinking and the calories you are adding to your daily toll. But when it comes down to it, if you really want the weight off then lose the booze! Live Well!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Health is Wealth...

Everyone is super busy and stressed these days...even still, it is important to fit exercise and activity into your day. No excuses. Only you can take charge of your health. In order to get your body moving enough throughout the day, be inventive. Try walking to and from work, or at least getting out of the train a stop early. You can do squats while talking on the phone. While watching a TV show, get on the floor and do some crunches and push ups during the commercials. Instead of going for a cocktail at the end of the day, try going for a jog . Fitting in exercise, even if it is in bits and pieces, will not only keep your body healthy but will do wonders for your mind. After all, if you have your health, everything else will fall into place. Live Well!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Activity vs. Exercise...What do ya think your doin'???

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between what an activity is and what an exercise help you do that, there is a guide you can use called The Scale of Perceived Exertion. On this scale, 1 marks a restful state like lounging on your couch and 10 marks an extreme state as if your were running in a full sprint. When you are doing an activity such as walking around a mall or cleaning your house, you may be anywhere from a 2-5 on that scale. When you are exercising, for example going for a jog or jumping rope, you can be anywhere from a 6-8 or even 9 on that scale. It is important to remember that you should never feel out of control when you are exercising, and if you are quickly climbing toward a 9 on that scale you should probably take down your exertion level a notch.
Here is a quick list of activities and exercises that you can refer to when you are confused about what you are doing:

Walking Briskly (non-stop)
Weight Training
Vigorous Yoga or Pilates
Jump Rope or Calisthenics (i.e jumping jacks, push ups)
Sports (i.e. Basketball, Karate, Soccer)
Biking or Spin Class

Walking your dog
Walking around the mall
Cleaning your house
Carrying groceries
Pacing while talking on the phone
Going for a casual bike ride
Running after your kids
Taking the stairs

There is a place for both activity and exercise in your day. You need both in your life in order to be healthy and fit. ...keep that in mind the next time you have a choice between taking the stairs or riding the elevator! Live Well!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh, my achin' back!!!

You have spent the entire day crumpled up in your chair, hovering above your keyboard, basking in the fluorescent lighting of your office and now you expect to stand up from your desk and walk out the door feeling good....right????....WRONG, that does not happen because your back is killing you! That's right, your back hurts so much that you can't really even walk out the door, it's more of a hobble.
In order to prevent lurking around like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, here are 3 simple things you can do throughout the day to keep your back feeling good:
  • Stand up from your desk every 15-20 minutes and pace or walk around. This will help to decrease the amount of time your spine is in a compressed position.
  • Sit up straight! While sitting, pretend you have an imaginary pencil in between your shoulder blades that you must hold onto. Squeeze your shoulder blades toward one another while bringing your belly button in toward your spine to keep your abs engaged as well. You should appear as if you are having your portrait taken....chin up, head back, chest up, back straight, and stomach pulled in (a smile wouldn't hurt you either!).
  • Exercise those back muscles! Your back hurts because it is over-stretched not over-worked. To combat this, stand with your back up against a wall with your heels, butt, shoulders, and head on the wall. Stand there for 30-60 seconds and do this 2-3x each day.
Moving your body and maintaining your flexibility are also key in preventing back remember that the next time you just feel like sitting on your couch after a long day of sitting at work! Live Well!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Seriously, is Jessica Simpson really fat?????

As a personal trainer and nutritionist, I have clients come to me all the time in search of a way to look like their favorite celebrities. Although I am happy to help them to look and feel their best, these ideals are often out of reach....why??? Because it is a celebrity's job to exercise for many hours each day, eat a regimented diet each day, fit into the clothes they are given, and roles they are cast in. We easily forget that and instead compare ourselves to them, leading us to feel inadequate and frustrated with our appearances. When you live in a society that calls a size 2 Jessica Simpson fat, what do you expect?!?! So instead of using all that energy on being unhappy with your body, gear it toward embracing your body. Get motivated by the fact that it moves you around, enables you to live! Use your energy to care for it, have pride in it! If you start eating right and exercising because you want to be healthy and feel good instead of look a certain way, you will stay motivated and be more consistent with your plan. The best part is, because of that you will not only be in great shape, but you will also look amazing! The point is, a healthy body is a beautiful body.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekend Warrior

All too often a week of wise decisions and healthful activities becomes unraveled by an overly indulgent weekend. Don't let this happen to you! You can still have a fun and relaxing weekend without throwing away all the hard work you put in during the week. It just takes a little planning. Here are 5 ways you can stay on track during your time off:
  1. Skip alcohol if you can, it is full of calories that provide zero nutrition! If you are going to have drinks, have a water or club soda in between each one. This will help you to cut the amount of alcohol you take in while also keeping you hydrated.
  2. Add activity into your activities. Plan an outing to the ice rink instead of the cafe. Walk around a museum instead of sitting in a theater. Go out dancing instead of to a restaurant.
  3. When going out to eat, skip the starchy foods. Instead, opt for grilled chicken and fish dishes that are accompanied by lots of veggies. Enjoy the atmosphere and the company rather than focusing on the food.
  4. Try getting to the gym both days of the weekend!
  5. Stick to your eating schedule. Avoid skipping meals or over eating at an individual meal. This will help you to better control your daily caloric intake.
It is important to enjoy your days off, especially in the stressful world we live in. Try to consider caring for your health and sticking to your fitness plan a major indulgent. After all, it is all about you! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feeling Fat????

Well don't! Instead of wallowing in your own sorrow, take action! Today can be the day that changes the rest of your life. Try these 5 simple changes to help get you on the road to triumph:
  • Switch an alcoholic beverage for a seltzer or diet soda and save at least 150 calories
  • Trade in 2 chocolate chip cookies for an apple and save up to 10 grams of fat
  • Choose a grilled fish dish over a burger and fries and get a dose of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids (not to mention the extra 1000 calories you can save by doing that!)
  • Walk for an extra 10 minutes today and burn around an extra 75 calories
  • Tell the waiter to bring the bread basket back to where it came don't want to carry it around with you for the next month
Do it TODAY...nothing is stopping you but you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An apple a day keeps the doctor away....

Being fit is not about deprivation. Actually, it is about giving your body the things it needs to thrive. That is why it is so important to never skimp on fruits and veggies! Fruits and veggies provide us with the important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that we need to stay healthy. To check out what the right amount of fruits and veggies per day are for you, and how you can incorporate them into your daily menu, visit this site:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Keeping hydrated is key in weight loss. By drinking water, you reduce water retention and fatigue. In addition, we often tend to confuse our signals for thirst with those of hunger, leading us to nosh when really we should be sipping...water that is! So, fill up that glass throughout the day....try to get in at least six 8oz glasses, if you can drink more or you exercise a lot, up that to at least eight 8oz glasses. Now isn't that refreshing!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fitness Kick Off

Feeling unmotivated? Gained a few pounds over the Holidays that have decided to stick around? Got the winter blues? Me too! That is why I have decided to start this Fitness Forward Event that you are welcome to participate in! Each week we will add in a new "Fitness" component. Each day I will post some sort of advice, idea, motivating words, or recipe to help keep us on track. How does this sound? If you are into it that's great, just join in. Any running comments, questions and thoughts are welcome if they pertain to the subject at hand! Ok?!?!
Here we go....Fitness challenge for Week One (beginning Monday 2/2/08):
Get Rid Of Alcohol! No drinks at all! Add in three 20 minute walks (they can be broken up into two10 minute walks)...add these in addition to any other exercise you normally do.
Ok...Good luck!!!! The Live Well Company