Sunday, May 31, 2009

BLOG will return June 9th, 2009...Live Well!!!

The Live Well BLOG will return on June 9th. Please check back then!
Make smart choices, care for your body, move into action.....Live Well!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting There

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
~Anthony Robbins

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Simple Ways to Lighten Your Load

Want to lose a few pounds without completely overhauling your diet??? By making some simple changes to your regular diet you will be able to watch your body change as well.
Try these changes to start...

Switch from:
Half&Half or Whole Milk to 1% or Skim
Mayo To Mustard
2 slices of bread on a sandwich to 1 slice of bread
Cream Based soups to Chicken Broth or Vegetable broth based soups
A Brownie to a 100 calorie pack of Oreos
Regular Soda to Diet Cola or Seltzer
Regular Beer to Light Beer
A Bagel to An English Muffin
Whole Eggs to Egg Whites

Paying attention to what you take in and making small changes each day can help you to make big changes in your body and your health. Live Well!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fight the Lazy!!!

It is sheer laziness that holds you back from taking the stairs, walking home from work, or taking the time to cook yourself a healthy, well balanced meal.
Why let laziness win?
If you want that healthy body, do what it takes to get it. Effort goes a long way. We were made to move. Our bodies need healthy, nutritious food. All you have to do is what nature intended you to do....and trust me, nature did not intend for us to laze around in chairs, couches, and cars all day!
Fight the Lazy...Live Well!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Make Sure to Wear Confidence with Your Bathing Suit!

As a personal trainer, I see different types of bodies everyday. Trust me when I tell you that the bodies that look best are the bodies that strut their stuff and hold their heads up high. It does not matter if you are a size 2 or a size 20, if you are confident in your body, in it's strengths and abilities, and you stand proud, you will look better than everyone else around. So make sure to look yourself in the eye and tell yourself how amazing you are before you head out in that bathing suit! Be Proud...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Can You Do???

Do you want to live better? If so, it does not take a complete overhaul of your current can get there little by little. Take steps each day toward the type of life you want to live. What can you do today that can help you to be healthier, more relaxed, better rested? Can you get a walk in this evening after dinner? Can you choose to have a piece of grilled fish instead of a burger? Do you have 10 minutes to have a nice conversation with a friend? Can you get into bed 15 minutes earlier than usual? There is something you can do today that can help you get on the road to a healthier just need to squeeze it in! Start Now...Live Well!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Feeling Sleepy????

Check out the link pasted below to learn about the importance of getting the sleep your body needs. Try taking the "sheep dash" test to see just how sluggish you really are. Sleep Tight...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cutting the Fat

Our dietary fat intake is not the only fat we need to reduce in order to live more healthfully...we also need to actively reduce the fat that surrounds us in our daily living....the extra noise, stress, and negativity that we tend to be surrounded by on a near constant basis. Living well is not only about eating right and moving our bodies, it is about feeling good and appreciating the life you are living. We all know that life is short yet we spend alot of our time feeling unsatisfied with ourselves, our bodies, our status. Although wanting to change is an important motivator that keeps us moving forward, it is important to recognize your strengths, abilities, and blessings at every stage of the game..not only when you think that you have finally "arrived." Remind yourself to breathe deeply, smile, say kind words to those around you as well as to happy for all that you can do and all that you have done. Sometimes it really is about stopping to smell the roses. Live Well!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going Back To Rehab

Sometimes eating right, exercising, and sleeping well are not the only things you should be doing for your body. Being proactive about stretching your body and resting muscles that need time to heal is just as important. The better you care for your body the harder it will work for you. You need to feel great in order to look great. So the next time you get your run in but skip your stretch remember that without the proper care your legs will eventually not be able to handle the run. Your body (the only one you have got) is worth the extra 10 minutes that it may take in order to stretch or ice achy joints.
Treat yourself well....Live Well!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pop Quiz

How much do you know about the basics of nutrition? Click on this link below and take this short nutrition quiz. You just may learn something new! Live Well!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Q: Can I eat pizza when I am watching my weight?

A: Pizza, like most other foods, is fine in moderation. With a little thought, pizza can fit seamlessly into your diet.
  • First, have only 1 slice of regular New York style pizza or 2 slices of very thin-crusted pizza (preferably for lunch rather than dinner or a late night snack, so that you still have time in your day to use those calories.)
  • Second, skip extra cheese and meat add-ons ... instead load on the veggies and tomato sauce.
  • Third, remember that eating well is a lifestyle choice and finding a way to fit your favorite foods into that lifestyle will help you to be successful in reaching your goals.
Enjoy A Healthy Life...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Did You Know That....

poor diet, lack of physical activity, and being overweight all increase your risk for having cancer...

  • Eating a high fat diet increases your risk of cancers of the colon, uterus, and prostate.
  • Not participating in physical activity and being overweight increase the risk for cancers of the breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, and uterus.
To learn more about the risk factors for cancer and what you can do to reduce your risk, check out:

Live Well!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Go for a walk....

Studies show that walking briskly for an hour each day reduces your risk for developing Diabetes by 34%. Walking also boosts your immune system, reduces stress, keeps your cardiovascular and circulatory systems healthy, and helps you to achieve a healthy weight. So don't just sit there...get out and get walking!!! Live Well!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Something Fishy

Eating fish is an extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle. Fish contain natural anti-inflammatorys and essential fatty acids that help your body systems to thrive. However, it is important to know which fish have the least amount of mercury and PCBs in them, so that you can get all the benefits that fish have to offer and not the harmful side effects of a troubled eco-system. Check out this link for a comprehensive list on which fish to eat. Live Well!!!!