Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chew Your Food!

Turn's out Mom was right (as usual)...Studies show that the more times you chew your food the more satiated you will feel...thus, you will feel fuller on less food. So take the time to sit down and chew your food rather than rushing right through your meal...the few minutes you spend actually enjoying your meal just might lead to you enjoying a smaller waistline. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

3,500 calories

It takes a loss of 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. That means a calorie deficit of 500 calories each day for 7 days will result in a 1 pound weight loss for the week. Think about that the next time you go for that extra slice of bread or glass of soda. If you want to lose weight, find a way to trim extra calories out of your day and add exercise in to help burn some calories as well. Taking 1 slice of bread off of your sandwich and walking briskly for 30 minutes can help you rid of about 200-250 calories....Little things like that add up to big results! Live Well!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Check out this link that lists cancer fighting foods and spices so you can be armed and ready to fight! Live Well!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wash Your Hands!

Eating right and exercising are great for your health but they are not the only things you can do to assure that you stay healthy....washing your hands frequently throughout the day can help you ward off nasty germs and infections that can leave you down for the count! So check out this link and learn all about washing your hands properly and the reasons why you should make it a priority. Live Well!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

No Worries

Wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weights you down.
~Toni Morrison

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Each and everyday there will be something that challenges you. An obstacle in your path. Don't allow that challenge or obstacle to get in your way, find a way around it or take a different path. Do what you set out to do...just be flexible about how you will get it done. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Liquid Calories

People tend to forget that many beverages are loaded with calories and sugar. It is easy to think of a drink as just something you have alongside your meal, especially since we do not tend to register liquid calories as satiating in our brains. The problem here is your beverage of choice may be adding hundreds of calories to your day and lots of inches to your waist while not even filling you up. To avoid this, choose to drink water and other calorie-free/unsweetened drinks throughout the day. You can reduce your caloric intake by 100s of calories by just getting rid of juices and sodas!
Live Well!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Great Biceps=Lower Blood Pressure?

Worried about your blood pressure? Check out this article in the NY Times which details how regular strength training can help you keep your blood pressure in check. Live Well!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Head and Shoulders

Remember, if you are sitting at your desk reading this you are probably hunched over your keyboard and crumpled in your chair. Pinch those shoulder blades back, open your chest, lift your chin, and place your very heavy head back above your spine where it belongs. You will feel much better at the end of the day if you remember to do this throughout it. Sit up nice and tall! Live Well!!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Commit to your Goals

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is Cholesterol?

Do you know what your Cholesterol level is? If so, do you know what it means? Check out this site to learn all about Cholesterol and what you can do to keep yours at bay. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

You may be surrounded by family members and friends that adore you, but if you do not take time to love yourself, all of their love is not worth squat. You must remember that you are important to everyone around you. If you do not take take the time to care for yourself, then you are just throwing all that love in their faces. You may think that you do not have the time or energy to exercise, or plan healthy meals for yourself....but if you do not make the time, you will shortly run out of it. Make the time or you will not be well enough to care for those you love.
Love You...Live Well!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ups and Downs

Need to ramp up your workouts???? Try interval training. It will not only challenge you physically, it will also refresh your routine. You can do intervals with anything you are doing...for example, if you are lifting weights, you may want to add in 1 minute intervals of jump rope in between sets. If you usually go walking for exercise, try walking at a brisk pace for 3 minutes then jogging for 30 seconds and then returning to your brisk pace for another 3 minutes, and so on. Your body will benefit tremendously from the valleys and peaks in your heart rate as well as the change to your fitness regimen. Challenge Yourself...Live Well!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back on Track

The holiday meals have come and gone.... so today is the day to get yourself back on track with your health plan. Ditch the holiday leftovers and get back into the gym!Don't procrastinate because the next holiday coming up is memorial day weekend and you will want to look great at whatever beach or bar-b-que you will be at! Live Well!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Give It Your All

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
Vince Lombardi

Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 ways to stick to your eating plan when dining out

Sticking to your plan when dining out may seem impossible, but it's not....Stick with these guidelines and have a great time out without the guilt!
  1. Skip the bread basket.
  2. Start your meal with a salad (dressed with lemon or vinegar), a vegetable based soup (without cream), or a shrimp cocktail (use just a spoonful of cocktail sauce).
  3. Choose a lean protein based meal, such as grilled fish or chicken breast, and make sure it is not in a sauce, or fried.
  4. Instead of starchy sides (i.e. mashed potatoes) ask for a double order of veggies (lightly sauteed or steamed).
  5. If you are going to drink alcohol, have your waiter bring your drink during your meal and drink it slowly as you eat. Try to have just the one drink and you will save yourself from extra calories and extra money on the tab!
Don't feel embarrassed to ask that things be prepared the way you want...the restaurant staff is probably very happy to have your business and will be happy to accommodate you. Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fit in Fitness

"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness."
~ Earl of Derby

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holiday Survival Guide

Enjoying the holidays does not have to mean weight gain. Treat the holidays as what they are, a time to celebrate, spend time with family and friends (and no, you can not self-medicate with alcohol), and pass along tradition. You do not have to overeat because it is a special time (or because you are stuck at a table full of food for 8 hours). You can make the choice to skip the extras, watch your portion sizes, and get in some exercise (perfect excuse to escape the chaos). In addition, only celebrate the holiday on the actual date of the holiday. There is no need to indulge on the days leading up to or following it. Pack up leftovers and give them away.
Instead of dwelling on the food that is part of your celebration, reflect on the meaning of your holiday and the traditions you are part of. The most important thing you can remember is that taking good care of yourself now will allow you to spend many more holidays with those you love in the future. Happy Holidays...Live Well!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Q & A

Why is alcohol the first thing I tell people to give up when they are trying to lose weight?

Alcohol is a toxin to the body and disrupts your entire system. Alcohol contains non-nutritive calories. If you are following a low calorie diet in order to lose weight, it is very hard to meet all your nutrient needs. In order to meet those needs, you need to eat healthy well balanced foods and not waste calories on things such as alcohol and sweets. If you enjoy alcohol and want to make room for it in your lifestyle and still lose weight, you must pay attention to the serving sizes of your alcoholic beverages (refer to Blog dated: 2/13 ) and your total energy out-put for the day vs. your energy (calorie) intake for the day. Keep in mind that alcohol also lowers your inhibitions, which may lead to you drinking more alcohol than you have budgeted for your daily caloric intake, thus leading your body to have an excess of calories that will be stored as fat.
If you are a person that drinks a glass or two of wine each day, getting rid of alcohol could lead to reduction of anywhere from 700-1400 calories for the week...putting you well on your way to the weight loss you desire. Think about it. Live Well!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

7 Weeks!

There are 7 weeks left until Memorial Day Weekend. Are you ready to wear a bathing suit? If not, it's not too late!! You have time to get your body summer-ready if you start today! So this weekend make some commitments. Stick with these basic rules and you should be well on your way to a summer of feeling and looking fantastic.
  • Get rid of the extras: alcohol, sweets, fatty sauces, etc.
  • Add in an hour of activity everyday that you can.
  • Skip starch based meals at night, go for lean protein and loads of veggies instead.
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps you to stay bloat free.
  • Sleep. Studies show that people who get adequate amounts of sleep are less likely to overeat and more likely to not be overweight.
Get ready to have that summer body!!!Live Well!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blood Pressure

Do you know what blood pressure is? Do you know if you are at risk for high blood pressure or how to lower your blood pressure if it is high? Check out this site so you can be informed and proactive!
Be In Control...Live Well!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


There are an estimated 23.6 million children and adults with Diabetes in the United States yet many people still do not know what Diabetes is or if they are at risk for having it. Go to this site to learn about this disease and the risk factors for it. Be Aware...Live Well!